Sunday, February 5, 2017

Opinion and Order of Court

Green Street Park friends and neighbors, visit the link below for the full copy of the Opinion and Order of Court filed last Thursday by Judge James to reverse the Wilkinsburg Borough Council's ruling on Akator Construction's statutory appeal.

Please note the comment on page 2 which references the May 4th public hearing and states that Akator Construction "testified that a lot of neighbors seem excited and hopeful about the proposed development". See also the page 3 paragraph which claims that the Council's "denial letter failed to give any reasons why [it] denied the application", and that the testimony presented regarding the submitted plan meeting all criteria for approval was "unrebutted". We are disheartened to learn that the majority of the documentation provided was wholly ignored.

Please respond to these comments as part of the written statements we have asked you to provide this week. Let us continue to hold the Borough accountable for its commitment to natural resource preservation, sustainable urban planning, and green space access.

#savegreenstreetpark #parksforall #thisplacematters #wilkinsburg#goodallover

ACTION NEEDED: Court Rules to Reverse Akator's Statutory Appeal


This past Thursday (2/2/1017), after no word from Judge James on Akator Construction's statutory appeal in almost three months since Borough Solicitor Witherel filed his brief on 11/16/2016, the judge filed his opinion reversing the decision of the Wilkinsburg Borough Council (SA-16-437). The only law applied by Judge James was zoning, and not public trust.

We, Friends of Green Street Park, are going to Orphan's Court to seek protection of our dedicated public space. We immediately need brief statements (affidavits) from neighbors of the park, each statement less than a page. Each statement should simply describe that neighbor's ongoing use of the park and desire to have the park remain a park. A statement could also include the point that City of Pittsburgh Frick Park across S. Braddock Avenue is not an acceptable substitute for our Wilkinsburg park. The attorney helping us advises that the statements of near neighbors must support that Green Street Park is "possible and practical."

Each statement should give the neighbor's address and mention proximity to the park. The statements do not have to be notarized. If you would like to submit a statement, please send it both by email to and as an original document signed in blue ink to:

Kate Luxemburg
432 Rebecca Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15221

We need all statements by this Wednesday, February 8th. Thank you!

#savegreenstreetpark #wilkinsburg #goodallover