Tuesday, April 19, 2016

"The Wilkinsburg Plan"--A Comprehensive Plan for Wilkinsburg Community Revitalization

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

"The Wilkinsburg Plan" is the strategic revitalization plan adopted by the Borough in 2010 which identifies the resources and processes necessary to help transform Wilkinsburg into a more livable community.  The elements of the plan detailed below relate primarily to environmental sustainability and are thus relevant to the current Green Street Park preservation efforts.  We hope that learning more about the Borough's position on green space and natural resource conservation will inspire and inform your voice to the Borough Council.  We are asking the Borough to demonstrate accountability regarding its legal obligations to preserve Green Street Park, as well as its commitment to upholding environmental sustainability.  A full copy of the comprehensive plan is available on the Borough website.

"The final comprehensive plan document should guide public policy in the areas of transportation, utilities, community facilities, land use, recreation, natural and historic resources, and housing." (p. 5)

"The use of land in a community affects many aspects of the daily lives of its residents and also reflects local demand factors. The mix of uses can affect the local tax base and the availability of goods and services, while the location of various uses can affect property values, where residents live, work, and play, and the accessibility of goods and services." (p. 47)

Green Street Park is designated as "Government" on the land use map provided. (p. 49)

"...most importantly, public input is the basis of sound public policy." (p. 55)

"Lack of parks, open space, and street trees" is listed as a weakness/threat to Wilkinsburg. (p. 71)

"Wilkinsburg will eliminate blight and vacancies to turn land into productive space, including green space, by encouraging a productive reuse focus."
(p. 85)
"Providing safe, well‐maintained recreation areas is particularly important in an urban environment and should be considered a valuable asset." (p. 94)

"...the Borough should consider applying for funds through the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to undertake a parks plan that will address the preservation, maintenance and operation of the parks and recreation programming for the future." (p. 95)

"Create and implement a process to ensure that residents have access to clean and safe natural resources, recreation, and open spaces." (p. 102)

"Upgrade zoning and subdivision and land development ordinances to allow and encourage high density and a rich mix of land uses." (p. 161)

"The ideal strategy is one that represents the vision of the community, challenges the community to stretch beyond its limits, and is organized in a way that makes it achievable....most importantly, the strategy is strategically focused on a few critical action items that are certainly achievable through unity, responsibility, and accountability." (p. 179)

"Safe, Clean, and Green" is listed as the first of five high-priority strategies derived from the comprehensive planning process. (p. 182)

Safe, Clean, and Green High-Priority Strategies (The Wilkinsburg Plan, 2010)

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